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Today’s buildings and building management systems face two core problems: Infrastructure and Interoperability.

Infrastructure is a challenge, especially at the edge boundary between on-prem systems and the cloud. Interoperability is a problem because most on-prem systems are not designed to work with other systems, but to run in a 'silo' for their specific needs.

The Interoperable Building Box (‘IBB’) addresses both of these problems with a vision of a plug-and-play platform that manages the necessary networking infrastructure while automatically matching the capabilities of systems with each other with minimal user intervention.


The IBB addresses the Infrastructure problem by replacing the current mashups of gateways, applications, and protocols with a single extensible cloud-native software platform that resides on a physical or virtual server in the building. Your applications run in standardized containers on a Kubernetes cluster in the IBB, and they enjoy the benefits of cloud-native technologies while being inside the building.


The IBB addresses the Interoperability problem by replacing hard-to-manage proprietary APIs with an open-source orchestration platform. This enables vendors and integrators to spend less time on integration and maintenance and more time creating new innovations and solving customer problems with better tools.

Imagine "plug & play" for building management systems

Introducing the IBB:
the Interoperable Building Box 

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Upcoming Events

Watch the Automation ≠ Smart session at RealComm 2024

Automation ≠ Smart

Members of the smarter buildings community met at RealComm 2024 to 
discuss the difference between traditional 'siloed' building automation and the data-enabled, AI-based, intelligence that makes buildings smarter.

Watch the Session

If you have questions about the IBB, you can schedule a session to speak with experts from the team.

Learn About the IBB


An Introduction to the IBB and Cloud-native Buildings

by Anto Budiardjo

Watch a demo of the IBB

Anto Budiardjo demonstrates the first IBB apps running live on the IBB platform at the Smarter Summit 2024

Articles by Topic

What's the Cloud? A Non-techie Explanation 
- Brian Collins

The Building’s Journey to Cloud-Native
- Anto Budiarjo

Orchestration article from
cloudnative foundation 

Cloud Native



The Smarter Stack

A Smarter Stack for Smarter Buildings

- Anto Budiardjo, Ken Sinclair - Automated Buildings

Cloud-native Technologies

Questions about the IBB?
Schedule a session to speak with the experts .

About the IBB Project

The IBB Project was created in 2023 by the Coalition for Smarter Buildings ("C4SB") with the support of the Monday Live! think tank group.

The mission of the IBB Project is to create an open-source and cloud-native software stack for an edge device that can provide a consistent, open, and secure way for systems found in buildings to communicate with each other and with cloud resources.


The IBB enables authorized users to install containerized applications into their IBB and orchestrate automatic capability matching to create a plug-and-play application environment.


If you are interested in contributing to the IBB, or in using this work, please visit


IBB Partner Organizations


  • BACnet Scheduler App


  • Founding Organization

  • Education & Promotion

CDV Solutions

  • BIM expertise

  • Project-centric Revit, Codebook, Services


  • Deep BACnet expertise

  • Significant OT cybersecurity

  • Buildings related analytics


  • Implementation resources

  • Targetted IoT deployments

  • FSR/Retail IoT platform

  • Central Plant & RTU AI Optimization

IoTech Systems

  • edgeX framework

  • Edge Central App


  • Controls company


  • Founding Organization

  • Education & Promotion


  • BIM expertise

  • Interconnected apps for entire lifecycle of facilities

  • CNS/CP implementation

  • Padi cloud platform

Shift Energy

  • HVAC System Optimization


  • OpenADR implementation

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